Gastronomy: "Mediterranean Tradition"

Get ready to experience the flavour of the sea, the taste of the vegetables grown in the gardens, and the fragrance of a fresh-baked focaccia.
The Ligurian olive oil and the traditional Ligurian recipes, like fresh seafood, pesto, 'pansoti' (triangular shaped ravioli), Genovese cima (stuffed breast of veal), farinata (a pancake made from chickpea flour) etc.
Moreover, the Ligurian wines (Rossese, Ormeasco, Vermentino, Pigato, Lumassina, Bianchetta, Ciliegiolo, Cinque Terre, Sciacchetrà, Colli di Luni).
Finally, a wide range of events, festivals, and opportunities to discover the local products, while the excellent restaurants distributed throughout the Riviera will captivate you forever.

Traditional Ligurian recipes

First courses:
Trofie al pesto (fresh pasta made with flour and water)
Pansotti (triangular shaped filled ravioli) with walnut sauce
Corzetti del Levante (small, thin rounds of pasta).

Second courses:
Cima alla Genovese (stuffed breast of veal filled with vegetables)
Buridda (stockfish stew)
Ciuppin (Smooth Fish Soup)
Cappon magro (salad of seafood and vegetables dressed with a rich sauce).

Genoese Sweet Bread, Canestrelli (tea biscuits), Amaretti di Sassello (Italian almond macaroon), Torta stroscia di Pietrabruna (cake made with olive oil), Gobelletti (jam-filled tarts).

And finally, inevitable, focaccia (flat oven-baked bread, which may be topped with herbs or other ingredients) and farinata (a pancake made from chickpea flour).
